Saturday, April 5, 2008

Hex girls

War Cry!!!

Sadly i will not be attendidng War Cry this year as much as i wanted to our family vecation is on the same date and i'm not allwoed tos kip out on it. But for those of you who would like to go to War Cry and need help i would more than happy to get you what you need. For those of you who do not know what War Cry is it's a 4 day camp ( this year up in the mountains ) where churches gather to let teens of all ages to praise God. Last year went and it changed my life dramaticlly. I wen tfrom a depressing loner type to a go lucky happy and very bubbly girl!! Its a great experiance and i know anyone who goes will enjoy it. The coast is $200 but it is tottally worth it!

- podoshle